1. Contract/Agreement Production

In this first stage, the investigator must contact the SGI-OTRI with the objective of providing the necessary information for the production of a contract/agreement first draft.

This information must contain, at least, the data identifying the contractor, a work description, the activity’s execution period, the participating UMH personnel and its economic considerations.

Depending upon the characteristics of the work to be done, the SGI-OTRI will select, among the distinct contract models available, one that conforms most to the parties’ necessities and will adapt it to the specific case.

In case the draft does not conform to any model approved by the Governing Council, it must be sent to the Legal Counsel for their assessment on the matter.

Once the draft has been produced, this is sent to the responsible investigator for his/her assessment. If the investigator agrees with the text, negotiations with the contractor on the draft proceed.